Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Savior

This is a poem that I wrote when I was preparing a talk for sacrament meeting before Richard and I got married. I thought that it would be a good idea to make it the first poem that I share here.

My Savior

He is there
When I am alone
and I am afraid;
When I am hurt
and all seems lost

He is there
When in my pain
I wish for death
But find no end

He is there
Lifting me
in my despair
and frees me
From the shadows

He is there
Helping me
To Carry On
When I
Don’t think I can

He is there
And in my darkest night
It is He
Who shows me
Where I can find the Light

He is there
When in my weakness
I stumble
and cannot move

He is there
Lifting me
And it is He
Who carries me

He is there
My comfort
Who frees my soul
And lets me breath again

He is my Savior
My healer
My friend


My beautiful little girl will be three months old on Tuesday. I can't believe she's getting so big! She's also started blowing raspberries, though I haven't heard her do that for about a week now. I have heard her giggle a couple times now and it is adorable. :D  Richy and I had to take her to get shots a couple days ago so she's been a bit cranky and my father-in-law isn't supposed to change her diapers for a few weeks.  I am glad that Sarah will be protected from some pretty awful diseases.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I made a profile on :)  I'm excited for the missionary opportunities I may receive as a result.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My first car accident

Tonight I got in a car accident.  I fed my little Pontiac Grand Am to my sister-in-law's husbands truck. I put an itty-bitty scratch on the grill guard of the truck that rubbed off easily.  My car got its front left fender squished and the headlight is sitting on my in-law's kitchen table.  Richy says he's going to "fix" it.  If we had the money we'd just buy a new car, but as it is, we're broke.  I think we'll use any extra money from my grant and student loan to buy one in January.  I just hope we can find one for around $1000.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My first ever blog post!

I was thinking the other day about nothing in particular (happens a lot, actually), and decided I should start a blog.  My first question was "what for?" Well, family updates and maybe a short story or poem every now and then.  Since so many people around me have a blog because it keeps extended family in the loop I figured I may as well get one, even though almost all of my family lives close to me and I see a lot of them all the time.  Right now I don't really have much to say.  Most of my family posts will be updates on my beautiful daughter, Sarah, who is two months old.  In the next few days I'll probably put up some of the stuff that I've already written, just so people can see it, and then over time I'll put up some new stuff (when I write it).  Poems and short stories are actually harder for me because, first of all, I've never been good with poetry; and secondly, I'm just not very good at keeping things short, so this should be a good exercise for me.